Manger setup at St. Ignatius
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Our Knights have been bringing joy to the Christmas season - delivering Christmas baskets and spending time with the families of current and past Knights from our council
On Saturday, February 10th, our Women at the Cross Auxiliary hosted a Caring Bag event where our volunteers prepared snack bags for those in need.
A group of volunteer Knights from our council with our Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight at the Sunday donut social held on January 7th.
Our Knights and family members delivered "Every Good Gift" Christmas baskets in December. Pictured here are Dom and Maureen LiCastro, Anthony Beirne and Rich May
Our council's Knights Family Christmas Party was held on December 9th, and everyone was treated to a great dinner and evening with our brother Knights and families.
The annual Advent Gift Giving Mass was held on Tuesday, December 5th at St. Ignatius Church. The recipients were Sacred Heart Parish in Camden and St. Lawrence Parish in Upper Darby. Over 20 Knights attended the mass and our council donated four cases of coats for kids and approximately $1,000 in Christmas toys. Knights and parishioners donated unwrapped gifts during the Mass.
On December 2nd, our brother Knights set up the St. Ignatius Nativity Crèche
The Malvern Retreat was held from November 17th to 19th. Pictured here is a group of attendees, including our brother Knights.
Congratulations to our November Knight of the Month, Larry Perini!
Our first annual cornhole tournament brought out a good number of families and attracted a competitive field of bag tossers. Pictured are the festivities of the day as well as the top 3 finishing teams with their trophies
On August 12th, our council hosted our annual Knights picnic, with fun and food for our brother Knights and their families.
Our council donated $37,000 to the Legacy of Life Foundation for the purchase of an ultrasound machine. Pictured at the presentation of our gift are our Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight and Financial Secretary accompanied by brother Knights.
Congratulations to our June Knight of the Month, Tom Kearney!
Our council sponsored a hole for the Villa Joseph Marie High School golf outing on May 1st. Pictured at the event are brothers Les Ruppersberger and Domenic Licastro .
Dinner Dance
On April 22nd, we hosted our dinner dance, raising $3,500 for Special Olympics Pennsylvania.
Caring Bag Experience held by the Women at the Cross and Knights of Columbus
Congratulations to our March Knight of the Month, Moss Jacobson!
Doo Wop Dance Fundraiser
Congratulations to our February Knight of the Month, Anthony Liccione!
Congratulations to our January Knight of the Month, Jon Kloc!
Manger crèche installation and putting up the "Keep Christ in Christmas" sign
(click photo to see all participants)
Council Officers dinner at Rosa Bianca Trattoria
Advent Giving Mass - Gifts from parishioners and four cases of children's coats and over $500 in toys from our council.
Past Grand Knight Dinner
September Knight of the Month
August Knight of the Month
Saturday, August 13th, 2022
Our annual Fr. McCafferty Council picnic was held at Core Creek Park on Saturday, August 13th. Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy the great company, food and sunshine!